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Posted on December 18th 2015
Physical Education and Sports Bulletin - Autumn 2015
On the 1st October, Chobham Academy had the wonderful opportunity of Sportsaid athletes from around the country coming to visit Chobham in partnership with ‘get living London’. Students met all the Sportsaid athletes and were inspired by their commitment to reach the higher levels of sporting competition. They had a question and answer session with current Chobham students and signed the inspiration wall for others to see in the coming years.
As part of Key stage 4 PE curriculum, Chobham students had an opportunity to develop their skills through sports leadership. Throughout this last term, students have been learning core skills within sports to help coach and officiate younger students. This culminated in Year 9 and 10 students spending time with the Newham tag rugby tournament held at Chobham academy on the 15th October. 16 local primary schools came to play the tag rugby tournament and all our sports leaders had a role in leading each team, officiating, scorekeeping and time keeping. A lot of fun was had by all.
Working with London Youth Rowing for the past 3 years has given Chobham Academy some fantastic opportunities on and off the water. Friday 16th October, allowed years 9-12 an opportunity to compete in indoor rowing for the first time this academic year. University of East London hosted an incredible competition with Alfie Murray placing 4th in his year 12 race. Congratulations also go to all year 12 students who officiated throughout the competition. Well done all.