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Great to have pop into the Community Organising training day and listen to some of the Ambassadors campaign ideas. Thank you for the questions!


Ready for day 1!!! 🏔️🎿🇮🇹


Ready for day 1!!! 🏔️🎿🇮🇹


Thank you to everyone who donated to our fundraiser! Our Christmas Elves (the amazing year 10 prefects) packed 20 bags of gifts for the children staying there over Christmas and a little something for the staff too 🎁 🌲


Thank you to everyone who donated to our fundraiser! Our Christmas Elves (the amazing year 10 prefects) packed 20 bags of gifts for the children staying there over Christmas and a little something for the staff too 🎁 🌲


10 days to go 💛Let's make this one bigger and brighter than ever before.


10 days to go 💛Let's make this one bigger and brighter than ever before.


Talking about how we're feeling can make the world of difference. This we are partnering with to help .


Talking about how we're feeling can make the world of difference. This we are partnering with to help .


Stormzy and HSBC fund 36 black Cambridge students


Stormzy and HSBC fund 36 black Cambridge students


To be connected with creative career opportunities, A Level Media Studies students enjoyed lunch on Primrose Hill before being welcomed at the Roundhouse and then The October Gallery for creative industry tours, talks and workshops as part of Year 12’s Careers Day on July 10th


As part of our all-through curriculum Ms. Deering and Year 6 are bringing their sketchbooks to Ms. Stephens in the secondary art room ready for Year 7 in September.


Really well done to all of our students for a fantastic concert. Thank you to for hosting and and for all their help and support.


Really well done to all of our students for a fantastic concert. Thank you to for hosting and and for all their help and support.


For anyone who needs to hear this today 💙


For anyone who needs to hear this today 💙


Be kind to your mind this and get involved in our quiz. 🧠Can you guess the wellbeing related words from these anagrams? Comment below ⬇


Be kind to your mind this and get involved in our quiz. 🧠Can you guess the wellbeing related words from these anagrams? Comment below ⬇


What are teacher strikes really about?We need to discuss the wider context to understand why teachers feel the current situation is unsustainable.

Harris Academies
All Academies in our Federation aim to transform the lives of the students they serve by bringing about rapid improvement in examination results, personal development and aspiration.

Central Office

















Equalities & Additional Intervention

Equality of Opportunity and Additional Support

 We believe that all children should be equally valued at Chobham. We strive to eliminate prejudice and discrimination, and to develop an environment where all students can flourish and feel safe. At Chobham we value the talents of everyone and no student is allowed to fail.

Chobham Academy is committed to inclusion and part of our strategic planning involves developing cultures, policies and practices that include all learners. We aim to engender a sense of community and belonging, and to offer new opportunities to learners who may have experienced previous difficulties. At Chobham, every student is an individual and we will respond to learners in ways that take into account their varied life experiences and needs.

We believe that educational inclusion is about equal opportunities for all learners, whatever their age, gender, demographic group, ethnicity, additional need, attainment and background. We pay particular attention to the provision for and the achievement of different groups of learners:

  • Students from families that are financially disadvantaged (Pupil Premium)
  • Students who arrive at Chobham with below nationally expected performance in any curriculum area
  • Boys and Girls
  • Students from minority faiths, ethnicities, travellers, asylum seekers and refugees
  • Students who have English as an additional language (EAL)
  • Students who have Special Educational Needs or a disability (SEND)
  • Students who are Gifted and Talented (G&T)
  • Students who are Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual or Transgender (LGBT)
  • Students who are Looked After Children (LAC)
  • Young carers, sick children and children from families under stress

The Chobham Academy Pupil Premium spending plan 2018-19


The Government introduced the Pupil Premium Grant in 2011. This grant which is additional to core school funding, is seen by the Government as the best way to address the national inequalities between students eligible for free school meals, or who have been within the last six years, (PP) and Looked after Children (LAC) and other students. The grant helps ensure that funding to tackle disadvantage reaches the students who need it most. PP is allocated to schools and is clearly identifiable in our budget. Academies can decide how PP money is spent as they are best placed to assess what additional provision should be made for the individual students for whom they have responsibility.

At Chobham Academy we support all of our students. We do this by providing high quality classroom teaching supplemented by interventions to support vulnerable learners as well as additional support to enable our high ability students to achieve high academic standards. All leaders in this Academy including the Governors are committed to ensuring that PP funding is targeted to provide the best possible outcomes to students who may be at a disadvantage.

Proportion of students eligible for the Pupil Premium Grant              


PP Per Student

No of Students

Total PP Funding

Primary (excl Nur)




Secondary (excl 6th form)




Total (Pri & Sec)




Overall current PP % = 42.06%

Number of LAC students: 4                                     

We have used our Academy data on achievement, progress, attendance and exclusions to look at where there may be any gaps between PP and LAC students compared to students who at not PP or LAC. These are areas which nationally show there are gaps and this suggests a conclusion of inequality of provision or of misdirected provision at national level. At Chobham Academy these gaps are less than the national trend. However the gaps are still evident and we aspire to close these more rapidly.

Barriers to success:

  • Attendance and punctuality
  • Literacy
  • Cultural capital

These are the three key issues which can cause underachievement in our disadvantaged students. We are committed to eradicating these barriers and therefore the spending plan has been prioritised in these areas to maximise the potential of our disadvantaged students. Every outcome is carefully scrutinised in order for us to re-direct resources as appropriate; staff at every level are directly involved in this evaluation so that every student is provided for.



Impact analysis



Attendance Officer


The attendance officer communicates with staff on PP/LAC attendance daily.

Identified list of poor attenders on PP to be on attendance tracker. Reviewed half termly.

Attendance of LAC students

Attendance of PP students


Welfare Officer


Tracks the overall progress, attendance and behaviour of PP students and other students identified as vulnerable.

Attendance/Exclusions/Progress of PP students.


Contribution to Educational Welfare Officer

Target group including PP students.



Careers advisory package

The Academy buys in a careers programme; consultants will meet with all students in Years 10 and 11 and also identify PP students in Year 9 so advice and guidance is given earlier. Spend more time with those on PP that need additional information, advice and guidance to secure appropriate pathways for the future.

Destinations data


Speech and Language intervention

Our specialist Speech and Language team run intervention groups for 4 days a week throughout the year. A high % of these students are PP or LAC.

Speech and language data

Progress data

Examination results


Year 11 additional tuition after hours, weekends and holidays, free revision materials

Federation consultants work closely with year 11 and track progress forensically, putting in place additional tuition where required. They know students who are LAC and PP and will continue to make additional provision where required, to secure the best possible examination results. Comprehensive holiday sessions are scheduled during every break, and a range of highly subsidised and/or free resources are offered to PP and LAC students

 Examination outcomes








Examination outcomes













Marginal students on PP/LAC will be identified for 1-1 tuition in Maths and English in both primary and secondary

English Teacher with SEN responsibility

In order to ensure that literacy needs are met and curriculum design can be successfully delivered, we have increased the English staffing

Student progress data  at KS3 and KS4


Literacy Intervention

To enable class sizes of 6-10 as required for the delivery of the phonics course. To ensure that the LRC has the necessary books to engage readers of all abilities.

To pay for the accelerated reading licences for both primary and secondary

To pay for Literacy Lead teacher

Reading age increase

English and literacy progress data

Performance data of students in RW intervention sets

Staff training needs met


Alternative provision placements

We provide full and part time respite placements for key students who are struggling to cope with the demands of mainstream education provision. By using the placements, this ensures that students have every opportunity to keep a place in their school as an alternative to permanent exclusion.

Permanent Exclusion data

Success on re-integration



Learning mentors x 3

Learning Mentors work with students who have had more than one exclusion. They are particularly targeted towards those students coming from disadvantaged backgrounds.

Progress outcomes

Behavioural data


Head of Year Allowances

The Heads of Year have a range of responsibilities and will track PP students who are not doing as well as their peers in terms of progress. They will oversee the improvements we want to see in learning and behaviour.

Progress of targeted students


Counselling service

The Academy buys in counselling support, targeted at vulnerable students with a specific focus on PP and LAC students. Referrals are made through Assistant Principals to ensure that the correct criteria are addressed.

Evaluations from students/families/staff


On site reflection provision

The Academy provides an on-site reflection room to enable students to continue with their studies rather than receiving fixed-term exclusions. Restorative justice sessions are part of the reintegration process.

Exclusion data

Behavioural data


Financial support for trips and enrichment programmes

All students must be able to attend trips and enrichment programmes and this will often need support from the Academy for students on PP or LAC

Participation rates

Student evaluations


Targeted group work with specialist visitors on Innovation Days

Participation rates for PP and LAC students are important in order to broaden horizons and raise aspirations, we often need to encourage students to try new activities therefore the Academy often needs to set up taster days and fund activities.

Participation rates

Student evaluations


Uniform grant

This can provide essential support for families in particularly challenging financial circumstances

Data on spending

Report to Finance committee


University trips and visits

Enrichment to focus on students in Years 10 and 11 to ensure progression to further and higher education. 

% of students applying to university should be above national average.


Funding expenses and teaching resources

Subject areas are able to bid for specific resources to ensure that the needs of our disadvantaged students are met. To include text books, laptops and tablet devices.

Data on spending

Report to Finance Committee




For projects arising not included above.





The Harris Chobham Academy Pupil Premium spending plan 2017-18

Secondary and Cross Phase

The Government introduced the Pupil Premium Grant in 2011. This grant which is additional to core school funding, is seen by the Government as the best way to address the national inequalities between students eligible for free school meals, or have been within the last six years, (PP) and Looked after Children (LAC) and other students. This grant will ensure that funding to tackle disadvantage reaches the students who need it most. PP is allocated to schools and is clearly identifiable in our budget. Academies can decide how PP money is spent as they are best placed to assess what additional provision should be made for the individual students for whom they have responsibility.

At Chobham Academy we support all of our students. We do this by providing high quality classroom teaching supplemented by interventions to support vulnerable learners as well as additional support to enable our high ability students to achieve high academic standards. All leaders in this Academy including the Governors are committed to ensuring that PP funding is targeted to provide the best possible outcomes to students who may be at a disadvantage.

Proportion of students eligible for PPG                 


PP Per Pupil

No Of Pupils

Total PP Funding

Primary (excl Nur)








Total Primary (excl Nur)




Secondary (excl 6th form)




















Total Secondary (excl 6th form)




Total (Pri & Sec)




Overall current PP % = 42.06%

Number of LAC students: 4                                         

We have used our Academy data on attainment, progress, attendance and exclusions to look at where there may be any gaps between FSM and LAC students compared to students who at not FSM or LAC. These are areas which nationally show there are gaps and this leads to a conclusion of inequality of provision. At Chobham Academy these gaps are less than the national trend and they are closing rapidly since opening, however the gaps are still evident and we aspire to close these completely.

Key barriers to success:

  • Attendance and punctuality
  • Literacy
  • Cultural capital

These are the three key issues which can cause underachievement in out disadvantaged students. We are committed to eradicating these barriers and therefore the spending plan has been prioritised in these areas to maximise the potential of our disadvantaged students. Every outcome is carefully scrutinised in order for us to re-direct resources as appropriate; staff at every level are directly involved in this evaluation so that every student is catered for.



Impact analysis


SIRC Attendance Officer


The attendance officer communicates with LA on LAC attendance daily.

Identified list of poor attenders on PP to be on attendance tracker. Reviewed half termly.

Attendance of LAC students

Attendance of PP students


SIC Welfare Officer


The welfare officer tracks the overall progress, attendance and behaviour of LAC students and other students identified as vulnerable.

Attendance/Exclusions/Progress of LAC students. PEP reports.


Careers advisory package

The Academy buys in a careers programme; consultants will meet with all students in years 10 and 11 but will also identify FSM students in year 9 so good advice and guidance can be given earlier. He/ she will also spend more time with those on PP that need additional information, advice and guidance to secure appropriate pathways for the future.

Destinations data


Speech and Language intervention

Our specialist Speech and Language team run intervention groups for 4 days a week throughout the year. A high % of these students are PP or LAC.

Speech and language data

Progress data

Examination results


Year 11 additional tuition after hours, weekends and holidays, free revision materials

The Federation consultants work closely with year 11 and track progress forensically, putting in place additional tuition where required. They know students who are LAC and PP and will continue to make additional provision where required, to secure the best possible examination results. Comprehensive holiday sessions are scheduled during every break, and a range of highly subsidised and/or free resources are offered to PP and LAC students




  1. tutoring




Marginal students on PP/LAC will be identified for 1-1 tuition in Maths and English in both primary and secondary

English and maths residential

These are crucial to securing good exam success and popular with students, they are fully funded for students on PP and LAC. Three are scheduled for Year 11 students throughout the year


English Teacher

In order to ensure that literacy needs are met and curriculum design can be successfully delivered, we have increased the English staffing

Student progress data  at KS3 and KS4


Literacy Intervention

To enable class sizes of 6-10 as required for the delivery of the phonics course. To ensure that the LRC has the necessary books to engage readers of all abilities.

To pay for the accelerated reading licences for both primary and secondary

Timetabled Literacy Intervention in primary – Students with a LUCID spelling score significantly below age related expectations and also those referred by teacher assessment.

Champions of literacy lead initiatives across the curriculum using strategies to support students to raise attainment in Literacy and Numeracy.

Reading age increase

English and literacy progress data

Performance data of students in RW intervention sets

Staff training needs met


Alternative provision placements

The LA offers full and part time respite placements for students who are struggling to cope with the demands of mainstream education provision. By using the placements, this ensures that students have every opportunity to keep a place in their school as an alternative to permanent exclusion.

Permanent Exclusion data

Success on re-integration



Learning mentor

A learning mentor works with students on PSPs who have had more than one exclusion. He supports in class and mentors to improve BfL. PP and LAC students to be prioritised and monitored closely.

Exclusion data


Pastoral Leaders

The Academy Pastoral Leaders have a wide range of responsibilities and will track a group of PP students who are not doing as well as their peers in terms of progress. They will oversee the improvements we would want to see across a particular area.

Progress of targeted students


Counselling service

The Academy buys in counselling support, targeted at vulnerable students with a specific focus on PP and LAC students. Referrals are made through APs to ensure that the correct criteria are addressed.

Evaluations from students/families


On site internal exclusion provision

The Academy offers the provision of an on-site exclusion room to enable students to continue with their studies rather than receiving fixed-term exclusion. Restorative justice sessions are part of the reintegration process.

Exclusion data


Financial support for trips and enrichment programmes

All students must be able to attend trips and enrichment programmes and this will often need support from the Academy for students on PP or LAC

Participation rates

Student evaluations


Targeted group work with specialist visitors on innovation days

Participation rates for PP and LAC students are important in order to broaden horizons and raise aspirations, we often need to encourage students to try new activities therefore the Academy often needs to set up taster days and fund activities.

Participation rates

Student evaluations


Uniform grant

This can provide essential support for families in particularly challenging financial circumstances

Data on spending

Report to Finance committee


University trips and visits

Enrichment to focus on students in year 10 and 11 to ensure progression to further and higher education. 

% of students applying to university should be above national average.


Principal’s fund

This is a fund that will be used as the need arises, maybe for instrumental lessons for a Music GCSE student, to buy some 1-1 support, to fund additional texts or buy in some external expertise as required

Data on spending

Report to Finance committee


Funding expenses and teaching resources

Subject areas are able to bid for specific resources to ensure that the needs of our disadvantaged students are met. This will also meet any need for placements at alternative provision (e.g. Bromley Tutorial Foundation)

Data on spending

Report to Finance committee






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