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Posted on March 16th 2017
Science Week
On Tuesday, we 6th form students did a number of dissections to demonstrate to the younger students how to do so and certain structures they hadn’t known before. We did heart dissections to show the children different features of the heart and how they contribute to the cardiac cycle. As well as this we did a fish dissection to show the gaseous exchange system of fishes and how they’re specialised for under water & brain dissections in addition to eye ball dissections.
The day following we held a debate regarding the genetic engineering technology called CRISPR-Cas9 enzyme that can cut DNA and place in new genes to change features which could eliminate illnesses and improve humanity. We were discussing whether the use of it is correct and ethical.
We also completed chemistry demonstrations to show the young students including a self-made volcano. To further enrich their knowledge across the 6th form multiple students gave lessons to the primary school students where we taught them about climate change and terminology they’re to be using in secondary schools.
Overall this week was about enriching younger students’ knowledge of science in hopes they’ll take interest and create future engineers and surgeons. The students who took part and deserve credit include: Aneesah, Arune, Rizwan, Yoshita, Alam, Sresta, Jasmina, Victoria & Uchenna as well as many more.
By Aneesah Begum.