Latest News
Posted on March 30th 2016
Inspire Workshops for Primary Academy
Please see below for the timetable for Inspire Workshops in the Primary Academy.
Inspire workshop focus |
Year Group |
Dates workshop is to take place |
Number formation & Number rhymes |
Nursery |
13.04.16 |
Understanding addition and subtraction using practical methods. |
Reception |
20.04.16 |
Getting children to understand place value using practical materials. |
Year 1 |
27.04.16 |
Supporting children with addition and subtraction problems, using dienes blocks, unifix cubes, number lines and other resources. |
Year 2 |
04.05.16 |
Teaching children how to tell the time by counting in 5s, counting in quarters etc. Using number lines to tell the time. |
Year 3 |
08.06.16 |
Supporting children with multiplication and division in a real life context. |
Year 4 |
22.06.16 |
Supporting children with angles – acute and obtuse. Supporting children with Fractions – proper and improper. Supporting children with reading timetables. Supporting children with reading graphs. Supporting children with strategies for answering test papers. |
Year 5 |
29.06.16 |
Secondary transfer
Year 6 |
06.07.16 |
Showing parents what the rainbow room is like and what goes on in there. |
15.06.16 |